Welcome to EPC 2016
This is the scientific programme website for the European Population Conference (EPC 2016) held in Mainz, Germany, 31st August to 3rd September, 2016. Follow the links in the menubar at the top to browse the program by topic, by day and time, or by participant, with access to all the sessions, abstracts, and papers where available.
EAPS Council and
International Organising Committee:
Francesco Billari, President
Anna Cabré, Vice President
Marc Luy, Secretary-General and Treasurer
Clara Mulder, Member
Zsolt Speder, Member
Nico van Nimwegen, Executive Director
National Executive Committee:
Norbert F. Schneider, President
Christian Fiedler, Conference Coordinator
Tim Aevermann
Nicole Zender
Local website: epc2016.de