Socio-economic determinants of regional mortality in Latvia

Aleksandrs Dahs, University of Latvia

Considering the accumulated results of academic studies in the fields of longevity and mortality, it is difficult to deny the existence of some relations between specific socio-economic factors and regional population mortality. This study aims to evaluate the determining effects of the regional socio-economic preconditions and associated policy actions on the standardised population mortality in Latvia, while paying special attention to gender divide and spatial context of the regions in question. In order to achieve this goal, author conducts indirect standardisation of regional mortality data. After testing the standardised data for spatial autocorrelation, a model-based assessment of the possible impact factors is carried out using a proven geographically-weighted regression model. Model estimation results allow author to conclude, that income and employment are two key determining factors for the regional population mortality. However, for males, these factors, as well as spatial context, are much more relevant for male population, while female mortality appears to be also related to other factors not included in the scope of this study. Current policy interventions have demonstrated to have little to no effect on the regional mortality for both males and females.

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Presented in Session 36: Mortality in Central and Eastern Europe