Frequency and policy matters of the international circular migration related to Hungary
Aron Kincses, Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)
Sándor Illés, Active Society Foundation
Multiple displacements from one home to another have become increasingly frequent during the epoch of globalisation. This contribution provides empirical evidence relevant to the long-term international circular migrants admitted into Hungary in the period 2006-2015. The principal aim of this research is to identify the effects of economic crisis and the newly emerging migratory phenomena on the Hungarian international migration policy. International circular migration and migration policy measures will be analyse in comparison with before crisis period of 2006-2008, crisis period of 2009-2012 and after crises period of 2013-2015. Initially, we define the circulation within the conceptual framework of transnationalism from inward perspective. Secondly, we create macro-scale data set on long term international circular migrants based on the original statistical method. Thirdly, we explore the frequency of circulation in the context of international immigration of foreigners to Hungary and discuss the country specific international migration policy questions. In addition, we perform critical literature review on global level, analysis of rules on EU and country involved level. Fourthly, we seek to gain further insight into the demographic composition of international circular immigrants by gender, age, family status. Lastly, based on the variable of country of citizenship in one hand we study external spatial dimension of circulation. On the other hand, with the help of information on the place of residence in Hungary we map the internal spatial dimension of circulation. The advanced result of this research is to introduce again this age-old pattern of mobility, namely circulation, to the most contemporary practice of demography, geography, statistics, migration studies and policy.
Presented in Session 49: New perspectives on emigration and return migration