Family-work balance in Russian demographic and family policy: insufficient or déjà vu
Irina E. Kalabikhina, Lomonosov Moscow State University
We analyze either family-life balance policy exists in modern demographic and family policy in Russia by statistic method and document analysis. We use following data: Official statistics (Rosstat); Concepts and Plans of measures of Demographic policy (2007-2025), Family policy (2014-2025), National Strategy of Action for Children (2012-2017); Laws on employment and social policy (2012-2015). The main conclusion is that Russia does not have a comprehensive FLB policy. Firstly, we have blind policies and renaissance of traditional values in 2007-2015. Secondly, we prefer cash benefits but not family-life balance policy. This policy is needed not only for men, women, children, families, but also for the economic and demographic development of modern Russia. Policy relevance increases because of the future demographic challenges: (1) Ageing of population that is decreasing of number of birth and working age population; (2) Ageing of population, growth of number of older mother (35-44) and their input in fertility that is double care burden; (3) Wave of child population (0-6) tat is unmet demand of kindergartens today and empty places in future.
Presented in Poster Session 2