Analysis of factors of non use at first antenatal visit by teenagers during first pregnancies in Yaoundé, Cameroon
Lidwine Sonia De-Banguirys, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD)
Justin Dansou, University of Ibadan
Gervais Beninguisse, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD)
Reproductive health issues were key components of MDGs and currently, remain among top priorities of SDGs, set as replacement of MDGs for the post-2015. This study examines the associated factors of the first access maternal health services by teenagers during first pregnancies in Yaounde, using biographic data from the survey «Pauvreté et Besoins Non Satisfaits en Santé de la Reproduction des adolescents et jeunes à Yaoundé» conducted in 2011 in Yaounde. The study uses event history analysis. Its bivariate analyses consist in drawing Kaplan-Meier comparative survivor curves to examine pregnancies’ entrance schemas to antenatal care services. Multivariate analyses rely on non-parametric regression of Cox. Preliminary results presume the existence of a difference in the conduct of first pregnancies in first antenatal while access patterns seem to operate independently of the generation of birth. Key words: access, maternal, health, services, teenagers, first pregnancies, Yaounde, Cameroon
Presented in Poster Session 2