Separation and spatial mobility: a cross-national comparison
Julia Mikolai, University of Liverpool
Hill Kulu, University of Liverpool
Sergi Vidal, University of Queensland
Christine Schnor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Didier Willaert, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Fieke Visser, University of Groningen
Clara H. Mulder, University of Groningen
Michael J. Thomas, University of Groningen
This study investigates spatial mobility of separated individuals in five industrialised countries. While there is a large body of literature examining residential changes related to separation in selected individual countries, only a few studies have compared patterns across countries. Using longitudinal data and applying Poisson regression models we study the risk of a move of separated men and women in comparison with cohabiting and married individuals. We use time since separation to distinguish between moves due to separation and moves of separated individuals. Our analysis shows that separated men and women are significantly more likely to move than their cohabiting and married counterparts. The risk of a residential change is the highest shortly after separation and it decreases with duration since separation. The patterns are similar across countries, although the levels of spatial mobility are higher in Australia.
See paper
Presented in Session 44: Cross-national comparisons of internal migration