Death causes of resident population and migrants in megalopolis
Alla E. Ivanova, Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Russia
Elena Zemlyanova, Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics, Russia
Sergey V. Ryazantsev, Institute of Social and Political Research, Russian Academy of Sciences
Nowadays population censuses account only one population category – resident population including people permanently residing in certain settlement or temporarily staying during usually non less than 6 months. Current records of demographic events could register persons from the category “de-facto population” i.e. permanently residing in another settlement, but who died and were officially registered in this settlement. This arises certain lack of comparability of numerator and denominator while estimating demographic indicators. The study purpose was to detect peculiarities of dearth causes structure in resident population and migrants who died in megalopolis by Moscow example. Study information base includes depersonalized database of deaths in Moscow in 2003 and 2013. Existing system of recording and coding of place of residence of deceased allows to differentiate all deaths into the following groups: persons having address of residence in Moscow; persons who died in Moscow but their place of residence was in other Russian regions or other countries; and persons with no fixed address. In 2003 11.3% deaths that occurred and were recorded in Moscow fell at people who haven’t fixed place of residence in Moscow, which increases scales of mortality. Up to 2013 input of non-residents into mortality slightly reduced and estimated 10.5%. One could judge about qualitative composition of non-resident population by dominating affect of main causes on mortality in separate ages. Generally, it is possible to state predominantly marginalized composition of this population category, because it makes maximal input into mortality from exogenous causes (respiratory diseases, infections, traumas) and ill-defined conditions in working and young ages determining from one third to half of deaths from these causes. With due respect to results received for Moscow it is reasonable to move to differential estimation of mortality in different social groups, and to allocate mortality of Moscow resident and migrants as a minimum.
Presented in Poster Session 3