Family network and well-being of people aged 50+ in selected European countries
Sylwia Timoszuk, Warsaw School of Economics
Anita Abramowska-Kmon, Warsaw School of Economics
The aim of the paper is to present the results of the analysis on relationship between family situation of individuals aged 50 years and more and their wellbeing in the selected European countries. The study used the data for 16 European countries gathered in the 4th wave of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). The wellbeing was operationalized by the use of the CASP-12 questionnaire. The results of analysis show that women aged 50+ have significantly lower wellbeing than men. The level of wellbeing decreases with age among people aged 50+, which is in contradiction to the previous findings saying that after age of 40 wellbeing increases. People better educated (in comparison to those with low categories of education) had significantly higher wellbeing, while those with limitation in activities reported notably lower quality of life (wellbeing) than those without disability. What is more, the better subjective financial situation contributes to the higher wellbeing. Also family situation was found to influence wellbeing of people aged 50 years and more. People living with a partner in the same household were more satisfied with life than those living without a partner. Furthermore, having parents alive lowered the wellbeing, while having grandchildren raised it. Our outcomes confirmed also findings from other studies showing North-West and South-East division in wellbeing across European continent.
Presented in Session 122: Maternal age, living environments and well-being