Mortality transition in Bangladesh
Ahbab Mohammad Fazle Rabbi, Università di Padova
Transition in life expectancy is well understood in terms of the underlying changes in age-specific mortality; fall in mortality level at any age or age groups of life span increases life expectancy. Bangladesh has shown remarkable rise in life expectancy since the last few decades. This paper incorporates the change in age and sex specific mortality patterns over time for Bangladesh to determine the dominating factors behind this ongoing mortality transition. The analysis of different dimensions of mortality and measures of longevity indicates that mortality is continuously declining in Bangladesh since the 1970s. This mortality decline is strongest among infants, children and young women but is visible across the whole age spectrum for both sexes which indicates the presence of mortality selection in Bangladesh. Analysis of modal age at death justified the shifting mortality hypothesis for Bangladesh, which indicates imminent aging in near future.
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Presented in Session 35: Survival: Exploring biological and confounding factors