Population research and analysis at the U.S. Department of State
Debbie Fugate, Humanitarian Information Unit, U.S. Department of State
The Humanitarian Information Unit (HIU) is an interagency unit within the Office of the Geographer and Global Issues at the U.S. Department of State. HIU’s mission is to identify, collect, analyze, and disseminate all-source information critical to U.S. Government decision makers and partners in preparation for and response to complex emergencies and humanitarian issues worldwide. The unit also promotes innovative geospatial technologies and best practices for humanitarian information management. Our researchers and analysts create and publish maps and infographics in addition to traditional written analysis, and much of our work is population centered. Analytic topics include humanitarian issues globally, migration, refugees and internally displaced populations, conflict-related displacement, natural disasters, food security, health and urbanization. HIU’s cartographers work closely with analysts and researchers to develop a visual narrative to effectively communicate often complex population and humanitarian issues to policymakers. Using a combination of geospatial science and design software, we help shape and display raw data into compelling maps and infographics depicting a range of humanitarian topics. HIU’s research and analysis allows policymakers to bridge the analytical gap between the international humanitarian community and U.S. decision makers. This poster illustrates the range of visual analytics produced by the HIU and the ways in which we use data—especially geospatial data—to inform and respond to policymaker priorities and emerging humanitarian issues globally.
Presented in Poster Session 1