Saturday, September 3 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM   •   Room P 10

Session 113:
Migration and labor market integration

Chair: Aslan Zorlu, University of Amsterdam

  1. New faces at the workplace: patterns of ethnic inequality of newcomers on the German labour marketLenore Sauer, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) ; Matthias Eisenmenger, Federal Statistical Office, Germany ; Andreas Ette, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) ; Steffen Klink, Federal Statistical Office, Germany

  2. Do immigrants suffer more from job loss? Unemployment and subjective well-being in GermanyClemens Lechner, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena ; Liliya Leopold, European University Institute ; Thomas Leopold, University of Amsterdam

  3. Replacement migration from a labour market perspective: how many migrants from non-EU countries does Germany need to stop the decline of its workforce?Johann Fuchs, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) ; Alexander Kubis, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) ; Lutz Schneider, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Coburg

  4. Female employment after migration: evidence from the recent immigrant sample of the German Socio-Economic PanelMichaela Kreyenfeld, Hertie School of Governance ; Cristina Samper, Hertie School of Governance

  5. Income and occupational mobility of Mexican migrants to the United StatesJoachim Singelmann, University of Texas at San Antonio ; Gabriela Sanchez-Soto, University of Texas at San Antonio ; Silvia Mejia Arango, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

Other sessions on International Migration and Migrant Populations