Session 116:
Policy and fertility
Chair: Vlada Stankuniene, Vytautas Magnus University
Is it possible to raise fertility to replacement level through policy efforts? The case of Japan Ryuzaburo Sato, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan ; Motomi Beppu, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
Postponement and recuperation in Russia's cohort fertility: does the Pronatalist Policy contribute to the acceleration or deceleration of the postponement transition? Sergei V. Zakharov, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Socio-economic differentials in the uptake of (in)formal childcare and the effects of childcare strategies on second birth hazards Karel Neels, Universiteit Antwerpen ; Jonas Wood, Universiteit Antwerpen ; Tine Kil, Universiteit Antwerpen
Russian fertility: from demographic abyss to new baby boom? Evidence from period and cohort perspective Alexey Raksha, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Other sessions on Fertility