Session 37:
Consequences of care-giving
Chair: Valeria Bordone, University of Southampton
Caregiving time costs and trade-offs with paid work and leisure: evidence from Sweden, the UK and Canada Maria A. Stanfors, Lund University ; Josephine Jacobs, Veterans Health Administration ; Jeffrey Neilson, Lund University
Caregiving in older ages and the quality of life - which factors of caring are important? Martin Lakomý, Masaryk University
The impact of population aging on transfers in the form of caregiving and on the associated well-being Emilio Zagheni, University of Washington, Seattle ; Joan Ryan, University of Washington, Seattle ; Denys Dukhovnov, Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY)
Well-being of the sandwich generation in selected European countries Irena E. Kotowska, Warsaw School of Economics ; Anita Abramowska-Kmon, Warsaw School of Economics ; Wojciech Latkowski, Warsaw School of Economics
Other sessions on Ageing and Intergenerational Relations