Session 47:
Determinants and consequences of immigrants' residential choices
Chair: Christof Van Mol, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and Universiteit Antwerpen
Ethnic minority households and residential segregation: how important is the household composition to understand where minorities live? Ad Coenen, Ghent University ; Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe, Ghent University ; Bart Van de Putte, Ghent University
The challenge of diversity through migration: rural communities as host for incoming refugees Birgit Glorius, Chemnitz University of Technology
Residential segregation in Europe and the United States: minority population growth and spatial integration Daniel T. Lichter, Cornell University ; Domenico Parisi, Mississippi State University ; Shrinidhi Ambinakudige, Mississippi State University
Pioneer migration of U.S. immigrants to new destinations: who migrates and where do they go? Douglas T. Gurak, Cornell University ; Mary M. Kritz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Settlement or mobility? Factors intervening in the migration-decision making process of recently arrived Germans in Switzerland Ilka Steiner, Université de Genève
Other sessions on International Migration and Migrant Populations