
Thursday, September 1 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

1Family and fertility
2Mortality and longevity
3Migration and the family: structure and process
4Well-being and gender attitudes
5Recession and fertility
6Fertility preferences 1
7Migration and the life course
8Assortative mating
9Health and mortality in the past
10Life course and education
11Rural and urban migration
12Adapting to ageing - policy responses in the pension system

Thursday, September 1 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

14Family transitions, employment and earnings
15Longevity advances and their determinants
16Climate change, migration and urbanisation
17The impact of recession on life course
18Fertility and social change
19Policy Issues
20Marriage and cohabiting patterns in the past
21Regional mortality differences
22Measuring fertility
23The demographic impact of the German National Cohort (GNC)
24Female employment around birth

Thursday, September 1 / 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

P1Poster Session 1

Thursday, September 1 / 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

25Transition to adulthood
26Aging and retirement
27Migrant assimilation
28Health disparities and well-being at older ages
29Divorce and union dissolution 1
30Innovations in demographic methods
31Cohabitation versus marriage
32Urban population dynamics
33Quality of intergenerational ties
34Making use of family policy: fertility and labour market effects
35Survival: Exploring biological and confounding factors
36Mortality in Central and Eastern Europe
37Consequences of care-giving

Thursday, September 1 / 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

38Health, well-being and morbidity
39Employment and well-being
40Education and fertility 1
41Mental well-being of older adults
42Well-being and family environment
43Gender and fertility
44Cross-national comparisons of internal migration
45Parent-child relationship
46Sexual and reproductive health
47Determinants and consequences of immigrants' residential choices
48Dimensions of health transition in developing countries
49New perspectives on emigration and return migration

Friday, September 2 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

50Disparities in mortality trends across developed countries
51European fertility
52Life course and female employment
54Gender equity and division of labor
55Fertility preferences 3
56Determinants of internal migration and mobility
57Immigration and educational differentiation
58Modelling fertility
59Population projections and forecasts
60Physical health of older adults
61Sterility and reproductive impairments

Friday, September 2 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

62Migration, politics and welfare states
63Health and education
64Attitudes, culture, religion
65Population, development and environment interactions
66Forecasting mortality
67Education and fertility 2
68Labor market activity of older adults and care givers
69Data sources and methods quality
70Mobility and population dynamics in the past
71Transfers between generations and family policy
72Biology, technology, genetics and fertility
73Families and gender
74New directions in migration measurement

Friday, September 2 / 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

P2Poster Session 2

Friday, September 2 / 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

75Economic and social consequences of population ageing
76Gender disparities in health
77Gender, fertility and sex preferences
78Family structure
79Divorce and union dissolution 2
80Happiness and childbearing
81Child well-being, health and development
82Lifespan disparity and longevity
83Migrants on the labour market
84Fertility preferences 2
85Consequences of internal migration and mobility
86Modelling mortality
87Family policy vs. changes in fertility patterns

Friday, September 2 / 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

88Comparative perspectives on migration and fertility
89Health in contexts
90Integration challenges of forced migration
91After divorce and widowhood
92Single parenthood
93Socioeconomic differentials in mortality
94Education and fertility 3
95Trends and impact of infant/child mortality in the past
96Gender issues in sexual and reproductive health
97Determinants of intergenerational transfers
98Modelling unions and other transitions to adulthood
99Influences of advantages and disadvantages across the life course on mortality

Friday, September 2 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

P3Poster Session 3

Saturday, September 3 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

100Analyzing life expectancy and lifespan: factors and methods
101Comparative perspectives on intermarriage in Europe
102Marriage and repartnering
103Immigrants' economic and material well-being: causes and consequences
104The economic context of childbearing
105Family development
106Advances in cause of death analysis
107Health of the elderly from different perspectives
108Biodemography and later life outcomes
109Children's health: Determinants and policy approaches
110Education and gender
111Before, during and after the fertility transition

Saturday, September 3 / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

113Migration and labor market integration
114Terms of belonging: immigrant integration
115Families, health and well-being
116Policy and fertility
117Child development
118Union formation and singlehood
119Demographic change, social networks and quality of life
120Abortion: attitudes and determinants
121Ethnicity, migration, and mortality
122Maternal age, living environments and well-being
123Immigration, acculturation and health status