Session 11:
Rural and urban migration
Chair: Bart Sleutjes, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
Internal migration and urbanization in Iran: status, challenges and policy guidelines Hossein Mahmoudian, University of Tehran
Regional perspective on the relation between urban and demographic transitions in 19th century France and Belgium Philippe Bocquier, Université Catholique de Louvain ; Sandra Bree, Université Catholique de Louvain
Suburbanization and reurbanization processes in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region: an analysis of residential mobility Arlinda Garcia-Coll, Universitat de Barcelona ; Cristina López, Universitat de Barcelona ; Gemma Vila, Universitat de Barcelona
Internal migration in the new era of urbanization of China Yuzhao Liu, Shanghai University ; Leiwen Jiang, Shanghai University
Other sessions on Internal Migration and Urbanization